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Family Medicine & Diabetes Care

Healing humanity through science and compassion, one patient at a time.







Diabetes Experts

While Foot Care is important to all of us, it is especially imperative that the Diabetic pay special attention to their feet. And, there is a whole lot more involved here than one might think!  That is why daily attention to your Feet is a necessity, as well as having a “Battle Plan” for their care.

The first thing we need to be aware of is the fact that proper Circulation is vitally important to the Diabetic.  If proper blood flow is impeded the ability for your feet to heal from cuts and sores is also impeded.  An early sign of this possibly being a problem is experiencing pain or cramps in the back of your legs while walking.

There are several things that can adversely affect proper Blood Flow, including Smoking; high Blood Fats; and high Blood Glucose Levels.  Their affect can be counteracted by controlling Blood Fat levels; keeping your Blood Sugar Levels as normal as possible; taking a brisk walk daily the keep the Blood Flowing and, of course, quit Smoking!!!


       As well as your veins and arteries, another important “Highway” to your feet is the network of nerves.  Damage to these nerves is known as Neuropathy, and result in insensitive, numb, or painful feet.  As a result, blisters, minor cuts, and burns may go undetected, leading to the development of ulcers which may also not be detected.

       There are several ways to enhance your chance of avoiding Foot Injury when you have Damaged Nerves.  These include, but are not limited to:

  • Avoid injury via well-fitting, protective shoes.  There are two important things to consider here: 1) Never wear open-toed shoes; 2) NEVER go barefoot!
  • Be careful to keep your feet an appropriate distance from Radiant Heaters.
  • Check the temperature of your bath water, being sure to make sure it is not HOT!!!
  • Have a Podiatrist treat corns and callouses.
  • Inspect your Feet frequently looking for signs that there may be a problem.
  • Trim toenails carefully!  Be sure to file any rough edges!


       While there is a lot that we can, and should!, do on our own when it comes to proper Foot Care, it is also important that we employ the aid of the professionals, in this case a Podiatrist.  As a general rule of thumb, you should see your Podiatrist no less than once a year.  Other times you should make arrangements to make an appointment include:

  • To treat Corns and Callouses.
  • If your Feet experience Discoloration, Heat, Pain, Swelling or Throbbing.
  • If you have a cut or an injury becomes red and does not heal.

As you can see, there is a lot you can do to avoid severe damage to yourself via your feet.  However, it takes a concentrated effort and is something you must pursue on an on-going basis.

If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!  One of the very special services we provide is offered by our on-staff Podiatrist, a professional that every Diabetic should have as part of their “Medical Staff.”

This Blog was written, in great part, with information gleaned from the following sources: