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Family Medicine & Diabetes Care

Healing humanity through science and compassion, one patient at a time.






Diabetes Experts

No doubt about it, Diabetes is a serious issue.  And, if one doesn’t take the necessary steps to help keep it under control, it can become even more serious!  One of the more problematic areas for a Diabetic are the feet, and one of the more serious aspects of foot care is when the situation merits Surgery.

If you, or someone you know and love, faces the possibility of Foot Surgery there are a number of things you should be aware of that will help you enhance the chance of a successful procedure.


       The first thing you will want to do is be sure to follow all Pre-surgical Instructions.  Part of this will include the method of anesthesia being used, as well as other aspects of the actual surgery.  Understand that all of this information is important, and you should make sure you understand everything that is shared with you.

       Another important aspect that you need to be aware of is the necessary preparation for your recovery.  This should be attended to before your Surgery, so things will be in place when the time is necessary.


       There are a number of things that you should be aware of, and attend to both, before and after your Surgery. The first of these is a general health issue:  The suspension of both smoking and drinking.  Both of these can create complication post-surgery, as well as slow down the healing process.

       Another thing that you should constantly be cognizant of is the fact that you have any questions about the Surgery you should ask them immediately.  You should never proceed until you fully understand what will be happening before, during, and after the Surgery!


       While cleanliness may be next to Godliness, baths after Foot Surgery are absolutely a no-no.  It is imperative that you only shower, and it is vitally important that you confer with your Podiatrist as to whether or not the surgical site should be allowed to get wet.

       Without a doubt, after your Surgery your doctor will provide you with some pain killers.  The challenge here is that you only take this medication if you absolutely need it.  As you are undoubtedly aware, our Nation is plagued with an Opioid problem, much of what is introduced to people through pain killers.  It is therefore imperative that you use pain killers in extreme measures and not just to battle discomfort!

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       Once you are at home it will be your responsibility to make sure that you eat nutritious food and that you stay hydrated.  In the case of food, your Podiatrist can assist you by providing you with a list of advantageous Dietary Delights.  While we always need to consume an ample amount of water, after Surgery this is especially true as constipation may become an unwanted problem!

       You will undoubtedly find that your Energy Level after Surgery is going to be more than a little bit reduced.  As a result, you will need to be sure that you have friends and/or family around who can help you with your daily tasks if need be.  Also in regard to your physical capabilities, as soon as your doctor tells you that you can begin physical activity you need to do so right away.  Starting with “light” exercises and progressing as your situation allows will help you to heal more quickly.

       We know that this is a lot to consider, so we would suggest that you go ahead and print this out and put in your files so you can refer to it when needed.  We would also suggest that if you have any questions regarding Foot Surgery that you contact a Doctor right away!


If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!  One of the very special services we provide is offered by our on-staff Podiatrist, a professional that every Diabetic should have as part of their “Medical Staff.”


This Blog was written, in great part, with information gleaned from the following sources: