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Family Medicine & Diabetes Care

Healing humanity through science and compassion, one patient at a time.






“Don’t cut off your Nose to Spite your Face!”

Obviously – - this is NOT the surgery we are going to be discussing today! Actually, what brings us back to the topic of Foot Care is a recent study conducted in Italy. A group from the University of Campania evaluated the results of a study by a Care Center for Diabetic Foot Ulceration (DFU) and made some rather sobering discoveries.

Compared to a similar study in 2019, they found that there was a major increase in the number of cases of Gangrene: 64% in 2020 compared to 24% in 2019. Equally alarming were the number of Amputations performed: 60% in 2020, while there was only an 18% occurrence in 2019. The conclusion arrived at was the fact that the COVID-19 lockdown resulted in people not making arrangements to get timely attention for their foot problems.

It is because of this conclusion that we strongly suggest that not only should you continue to be attentive to your Feet, but that as soon as you recognize an issue with them you make immediate arrangements to get to a doctor and have it attended to. In line with this, we thought it might be beneficial to share the following information with you.

First of all, it is estimated that Diabetics are 15 times more likely to have an Amputation than those who do not suffer from the condition. Further, the older you get the greater the risk becomes. As a result, there are several areas the Diabetic should be acutely aware of.


As previously mentioned, it is imperative that paying attention to your Feet should become an aggressive and not passive undertaking. With that thought in mind, issues you need to be especially aware of include, but are not limited to:

  • A bad odor from a wound on the Foot
  • Swelling of the Foot/Feet
  • Warmth in an area of the Foot
  • Blisters
  • Open Sores
  • Redness
  • An ulcer that lasts more than a week

If you discover any of these you should make immediate arrangements to contact your doctor to allow them to get involved in proper treatment of the problem.


The ideal situation, of course, is to do those things necessary to avoid the afore mentioned symptoms. The best way to do this is by managing your Blood Sugar levels. Ways this can be accomplished include, but are not limited to:

  • Exercise for at least 30 Minutes per day
  • Reduce Stress
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid sugar-sweetened juice and soda
  • Check your Blood Sugar Levels regularly
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet
  • Take all prescribed Medications as instructed

On a more specific basis, Diabetics should also concentrate on proper Foot Care. Steps in this realm include, but are not limited to:

  • Do a Daily Foot Inspection, where you look for Blisters, Bruises, Discoloration, Wounds and Redness.
  • Wiggle your toes throughout the course of the day to ensure proper blood flow.
  • Wear clean, dry socks without elastic bands.
  • Test your Feet to see if they can sense heat or cold.
  • DO NOT Soak your Feet.
  • DO Wash them daily and dry them thoroughly.
  • DO NOT go barefoot – Indoors or Outdoors.
  • DO NOT remove callouses, bunions or corns by yourself. Get assistance from your doctor.

That Diabetics is a challenge is an understatement. But, it is not a challenge that has to be faced alone. Especially in the realm of Feet and Amputation, as soon as there becomes an issue, even a minor one!, it definitely behooves the Diabetic to make arrangements to get to the doctor and allow them to assist in ensuring that Amputation does not become a necessary alternative, even if it means facing COVID-19 head on!

If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!

This Blog was written, in part, with information gleaned from the following sources:






        To say that we Americans are a Snackin’ Bunch would be a gross understatement! In fact, in 2017 it was estimated that we spent some 374 BILLION dollars on Snacks! That’s roughly $1,000.00 for every man, woman and child in the country! And, if we are absolutely honest, we have to admit that Diabetics are well represented in the number of “Snackers.” That being the case, the only way to realistically approach the concept of Snacking is not to try to convince Diabetics to not Snack, but rather to try to convince them to partake in healthy Snacks.

The first issue, then, is defining what a healthy Snack is. A good rule of thumb is to look for something that is high in protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Such items will assist in keeping blood sugar at a proper level. With this thought in mind, we will take this opportunity to list a few specific foods that qualify as “Healthy Snacks.”

  • Hard-Boiled EggsEspecially Valuable for their protein content.
  • Yogurt with BerriesThe Berries bring antioxidants and Fiber to the plate, while the Yogurt is rich in Protein – particularly Greek Yogurt.
  • Almonds – Nutritious, convenient, and come in a variety of delicious flavors.
  • Veggies and HummusBoth vegetables and hummus are good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Additionally, hummus provides lots of protein!
  • AvocadoIf you have diabetes, snacking on avocado may help manage your blood sugar levels. The high fiber content and monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados make them a diabetes-friendly food.
  • Sliced Apples with Peanut ButterApples are rich in several nutrients, including B vitamins, vitamin C and potassium, while peanut butter provides significant amounts of vitamin E, magnesium and manganese, all of which are known to help manage diabetes. Both apples and peanut butter are also very high in fiber. One medium apple combined with 1 ounce (28 grams) of peanut butter provides almost 7 grams of fiber, which is helpful for keeping your blood sugar under control.
  • Beef SticksBeef sticks are convenient, portable and diabetes-friendly. What makes beef sticks an excellent snack for people with diabetes are their high protein and low carb contents.
  • Turkey Roll-UpTurkey roll-ups are a great snack option for people with diabetes due to their low carb and high protein contents. One wrap provides about 5 grams of protein, which will help prevent your blood sugar levels from rising too high.
  • Tuna SaladA 3-ounce (84-gram) serving of tuna provides 22 grams of protein and no carbs, which makes it a great snack option if you have diabetes. Additionally, tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help manage diabetes due to their potential to lower inflammation and improve blood sugar control.
  • PopcornHas been deemed one of the best snack foods for people with diabetes, partly because of its low calorie density. One cup (8 grams) of air-popped popcorn contains just 31 calories. Snacking on low-calorie foods may aid weight control, which is known to promote decreased blood sugar levels and better overall management of type 2 diabetes. In addition, popcorn provides 1 gram of fiber per 1-cup (8-gram) serving, which is another property that makes. It is healthiest to air-pop your own.
  • No-Bake Energy BitesAre a delicious and healthy snack made by combining and rolling ingredients of your choice into balls. Some common ingredients include nut butter, oats and seeds. Most of the ingredients used to make energy bites are high in fiber, protein and healthy fats — three key nutrients known for keeping blood sugar stable.
  • Black Bean SaladSince black beans are rich in fiber and protein, they make a healthy snack for individuals with diabetes. Eating them may prevent blood sugar spikes and help lower insulin levels after meals.
  • Trail MixTrail mix is a snack made by combining nuts, seeds and dried fruit. The key is to avoid adding too much dried fruit to your trail mix, as it is quite high in sugar and may spike your blood sugar if you consume too much.
  • Peanut Butter Celery SticksFirst, celery sticks are very low in calories, providing only 16 calories per cup (101 grams). This can help you manage your weight, which helps control type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, celery contains antioxidants called flavones, which have been studied for their role in lowering blood sugar. Adding a tablespoon or two (about 16–32 grams) of peanut butter to celery sticks adds some extra protein and fiber to the snack, which will benefit your blood sugar control even more.

As you can see, Snacking isn’t the problem – - what we Snack on is where the issue lies! For the most part, Healthy Snacks are just as convenient, and tasty!, as those Snacks that do our bodies harm!


If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!

This Blog was written, in great part, with information gleaned from the following sources:





Too bad that Youth is wasted on the Young.”

-Mark Twain


It is no secret that we tend to be our healthiest when we are young. And, like most ailments, Type 2 Diabetes is most often contracted by those who are forty-five or older. While today we will be looking at the effects of Age on Type 2 Diabetes, we do feel it important to share other factors that might lead to this particular problem. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Lifestyle Habits
  • Personal and Family Medical History
  • Gender
  • Weight & Composition
  • Race

To fully understand how one or more of these factors may impact you, you may want to set up an appointment with one of our Staff Members and discuss the situation with us at that time.

While there are a number of approaches to dealing with long-term success in dealing with Type 2 Diabetes, perhaps the most successful and beneficial approach deals with pursuing proper Life-Styles. There are several that come readily to mind, and the reason they do is because when followed, they are effective in helping maintain Sugar Levels. Following are some you need to pursue, and some you are better off to avoid!


Eat a Healthy Diet: There are a host of suggested Diets on the Market today, but it is imperative that we concentrate on “Healthy” when we prepare one to help with our Diabetes. One of the major keys is to pursue a Diet that incorporates a minimum of Carbohydrates, as they are so readily converted to “Sugar” in our systems. As each of us have different metabolic rates, it is wisdom to consult with our doctor when designing a Diet for optimum benefit.

Exercise: The general consensus is what you do is far less important than the fact that you do something! Walking, in many of its various forms, seems to be an ideal answer to the question of Exercise. Again, before beginning an Exercise Regimen you will want to confer with your doctor and allow them input regarding your physical activity.

Medication Consumption: The goal of every Type 2 Diabetic should, undoubtedly, be to get themselves to the point that they no longer need Medication. However, it is imperative until that level of success has been reached that you take the Meds prescribed to you when they are prescribed.

Proper Sleep

Stress Management


Excessive Alcohol Consumption: To fully appreciate this suggestion it is best that you understand why this is so important to Diabetics. The reasons include, but are not limited to:

1)            Alcohol may interfere with Diabetes Medication: Alcohol can cause Blood Glucose levels to rise or fall, depending how much you drink. Inasmuch as some medications cause the levels to drop, the issue becomes the fact that if the Meds and the Alcohol work together they may drop the levels so low that you may go into “Insulin Shock,” which is a medical emergency!

2)            Alcohol presents the Liver from doing its job: The Liver stores Glycogen, which provides you with Glucose when you haven’t eaten. Alcohol taxes the Liver, and is especially dangerous when your Glucose Level is low when you start drinking!

3)            Alcohol can cause Hypoglycemia: From within a few minutes of the time you start drinking to up to twelve hours afterward, your Blood Glucose Level can drop due to Alcohol use. As a result, you need to check your levels while drinking, and, if they are low, you need to eat a snack to bring it back up.

Smoking and Second-Hand Smoke: We already know that Smoking has a multitude of ill-effects on the body, but what some don’t realize is that it is especially detrimental to the Diabetic. Reasons this is true includes, but is not limited to:

  • It raises Blood Sugar.
  • It causes Respiratory Diseases.
  • It damages your eyes.
  • It causes Heart and Blood Vessel Damage.

We have found that the older people get the more they become “set in their ways.” As a result, when they contract Type 2 Diabetes it is more difficult for them to alter their lifestyles to be aligned with their Diabetic needs. While the old adage tells us “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” we can only counter with the fact that we better be able to if that dog wants to continue getting older!


If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!

This Blog was written, in part, with information gleaned from the following sources:



Anyone who battles Diabetes knows that one of the major weapons in that war is Exercise.  And, it doesn’t take an over-bearing regimen to be successful.  In fact, something as simple and unobtrusive as Walking can do wonders!

In a recent study conducted by the National Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults some most interesting facts were discovered, including but not limited to:

  • Individuals with the highest step count were 61% less likely to have obesity problems.
  • For Diabetics, a short 30-minute walk before or after a meal has profound impact on Blood Glucose levels.
  • 10,000 steps is not a “magical number.”

In regard to that final point, a particularly interesting article came from the SPRING 2020 issue of POPULAR SCIENCE. Following are a few notes regarding “10,000 steps:”

Don’t Fret About 10,000 Steps

a) The “10,000” first came about in 1965 via a Japanese company, Yamasa Clock. b) Yamasa created a personal-fitness Pedometer called the Manpo-Kei, which means “10,000 Steps.” c) The Japanese symbol of “10,000” resembles a person walking/running, which is how Yamasa landed on the name … and the number! d) This number has ABSOLUTELY NO Scientific significance. e) A study has shown that in older women only 4400 footfalls lowered the risk of death, and that the benefit tapered off at about 7500!  Apparently, 10,000 steps is NOT a “Magic Number” at all! 

Regardless of the daily number you end up with, it’s obvious that it is beneficial to get in some steps at least.  Ways that this can be easily accomplished include, but are not limited to:

  • Rather than sharing a meal when meeting a friend, take a walk instead.
  • Take the stairs instead of an elevator when possible.
  • Hold Family and Business Meetings while walking.
  • Walk your dog.

Though it may not be readily noticeable, there actually is a variance in what “Walk” can be defined as.  The two extremes would undoubtedly be “mosey” and “power walk.”  In between would be such terms as amble, stroll, and meander.  And, believe it or not, our age determines which degree of “Walk” we need to adhere to!

While “Tip Toeing through the Tulips” may have done wonders for Tiny Tim, studies have shown that for older adults the best pace would be a “Brisk Walk.”  Dr. Sushma Koneru of the Orlando Health Heart Institute in Florida defines “Brisk Walk” as 100 steps per minute, or three miles per hour.  Adherence to such a pace for 30-minutes a day, five days a week does wonders in reducing Blood Pressure, controlling Diabetes, and reducing the risk of Heart Attack and Stroke.

One other form of walking that has proven to be beneficial for many health issues, including Diabetes, is the Meditation Walk.  Slightly different in the way it is manifested, the Meditation Walk typically is accomplished by walking in a circle; back and forth in a straight line or in a labyrinth.  To receive a maximum amount of benefits you may want to do additional research regarding the various aspects of the Meditation Walk.

While Walking is not the only way to accomplish exercise, it is one of the least expensive and, for many, most convenient.  For dealing with Diabetes, and better health in general, some form of exercise is vitally important, and we would suggest that if you not are already involved in some kind of exercise program you begin one at your very earliest convenience!

If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!

This Blog was written, in part, with information gleaned from the following sources:




“A Rose is a Rose is a Rose” …
But Not so Much with Sugar!
Aveon Health
Diabetes Experts

       When Gertrude Stein wrote those now famous words in 1913 she was, basically, telling us that “A thing is what it is.” For the most part, we would agree. The thing of the thing is, when it comes to Sugar there are so many variants that we have to contend with that we might be eating a ton more than we have any idea of. We thought it might be beneficial for us to share with you a little bit about Sugar so that you will be better armed when you involve yourself with the “Sugar Wars!”

One of the main issues that is particularly detrimental to a Diabetic is the concept of “Added Sugars.” On the most rudimentary level, Added Sugar is simply Sugar that is added to food during processing in an attempt to enhance its shelf life, flavor, texture or other properties. The most often used Sugars are “Simple Sugars,” such as Sucrose, Glucose, or Fructose. Less common examples utilized include maltose and galactose. Due to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, the labels on food and beverages must reflect the amount of added Sugar.

Once we realize that there is “Sugar Added” more often than not, we need to understand how each sugar affects your body. For example, Glucose can be metabolized by virtually every cell in your body, while Fructose is predominantly metabolized in the Liver.

Perhaps table sugar, which is Sucrose, is the most popular and prevalent type of Sugar. Typically it is taken from Sugar Cane or Sugar Beets. We find it in such everyday favorites as Ketchup, Ice Cream, Breakfast Cereals, Candy, Canned Fruit, Pastries, Fruit Juices, Cookies and Soda.   Also, Sucrose appears naturally in many fruits and plants. It is comprised of 50% Glucose and 50% Fructose.

To give you some idea of how often we encounter the Glucose/Fructose combination, we need to realize that it can be found in Blackstrap Molasses, Maple Syrup, Brown Sugar, Honey, Caramel, Grape Sugar, Coconut Sugar, Fruit Juice, and Confectioner’s Sugar to name just a few. In fact, there are in excess of 30 sources where we find this combination, and another 20-plus sources that have either Glucose OR Fructose separately.

Now that we know a little bit more about who the enemies in the Sugar Wars are, it will be more than a little beneficial to have a Battle Plan for fighting the War! There are three major strategies for combatting Sugar Cravings, which we have listed here in no particular order.

  • Go for a Brisk Walk Outside – This is doubly beneficial: It releases endorphins, chemicals in the body that makes us “feel good,” and as a result minimizes the craving. And, when we get away from the house we have limited access to the Sugar items we are hoping to avoid!
  • Eat Something Healthy and Filling – Understanding that a “Craving” and “Hunger” are different explains how over-whelming a combination of the two can be. It is extremely beneficial to keep an armory of healthy snacks on hand, especially those high in Protein, to rely on when the Sugar Cravings come.
  • Take a Hot Shower – Not hot enough to scald you, but hot enough to be right on the verge of being uncomfortable. Stay in the shower for 5-10 minutes. Though this may not make much sense, but the reality is that it does work!

Other things that might help combat Sugar Cravings include, but are not limited to:

  • Drink a Glass of Water
  • Eat a Piece of Fruit
  • Eat Protein (Nuts, Cheese, etc.)
  • Take a Multi-Vitamin
  • Don’t Starve Yourself

Make no mistake about it, if you are a Diabetic you are at War with Sugar, and need to do everything you can to win just as many battles as you possibly can!


If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!

This Blog was written, in part, with information gleaned from the following sources:




Diabetes: The Numbers Count


       We have found that, for whatever reason, most people don’t particularly enjoy those activities associated with the acquisition of Blood for determining the “Numbers” associated with Diabetes. “Finger Pricks” are no one’s favorite activity, and the Blood Drawing to determine A1C appears to be comparable to Blood Letting for some!

While this is true, we have also found that most people are rational individuals, and once they fully understand what the Numbers are all about it is easier for them to accept the processes. It goes back to, of course, the fact that Knowledge is our greatest ally when fighting Diabetes. As a result, when people understand what the Numbers indicate it both helps them track their “condition” a little better, and better understand what the numbers mean. As a result, we have compiled the information in the following chart to allow you to determine your status, to some degree, at a glance!



Normal 5.2 – 5.6 108 – 122
Pre-Diabetic 5.7 – 6.4 126 – 151
Diabetic 6.5 – 7.0 154 – 172
Harmful 7.1 – 8.0 176 – 207
Dangerous 8.5 – 15.0 225 – 457


A colleague of ours who works at the BARROW NEUROLOGICLA INSTITUTE shared that they test their patients’ Blood Levels daily, and if they are above 120 they administer Insulin to ensure that their recuperation is not hindered or complicated because of a Diabetes issue.

As you can see, understanding the Numbers reflected in this chart will help you understand what kind of a “Sugar Day” you are having. The hope is that if your numbers are a tad high you will alter you daily activity in such areas as Diet and Exercise.

The A1C Numbers do not reflect a daily Sugar Level, but rather an average for a three month period of time. Understanding how A1C works will show that the 90 day interval is not an arbitrary one, but has its basis in Scientific Fact.

Daily Blood Levels can be affected/influence by a host (figuratively, not literally!) of factors, including, but not limited to time of day, hormonal changes, or physical activity levels. A1C, on the other hand, is very definitive as it measures one specific item: The amount of Hemoglobin in the Blood that has Glucose attached to it. As you will remember from your High School Biology days, Hemoglobin is the protein found in Red Blood Cells that carries oxygen to the body. As with most of our Body Cells, Hemoglobin Cells are constantly regenerated as they “die off.” Their Life Span? That’s right – - three months! As a result, the A1C test gives us insight into what your average Sugar Level was over the last three months. That’s why we strongly suggest a quarterly check-up to help us better keep track of your Diabetes situation.

While A1C is a proven method, it is not a stagnant one. At one point in time, A1C results could vary depending on which lab had analyzed them. Today this isn’t the case, thanks to the efforts of the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program. For the most part, we no longer have to be concerned about variance in our testing.

If A1C Numbers are “out of line,” that tells us that there may be other concerns on the horizon, as this could be indicative of a higher risk in such areas as:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Stroke/Heart Attack
  • Eye Damage, Possibly leading to Blindness
  • Kidney Disease
  • Numbness, Tingling, Lack of Sensation in feet due to Nerve Damage
  • Slower Wound Healing and/or Infection

A1C Numbers are not just a crap shoot, however, as there are steps that can be taken to help control them. This includes Life Style changes such as losing some weight, closer attention to Diet, and instituting an Exercise Regimen.

When it comes to Diet, one of the main things that needs to be monitored is Carbohydrate Intake. A few years ago, one of our patients took it upon themselves to devise a “Carb Chart” to help them monitor the number of Carbs they were eating each day. That Chart is at the end of the Blog. Please feel free to print it out and use it as you draft your Menus for each day.

We trust that the information imparted to you herein will help you better understand why THE NUMBERS COUNT, and what how you can help make them even better!

If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!

This Blog was written, in part, with information gleaned from the following sources:


FRUIT Amt Carbs (gm) VEGGIE Amt Carbs(gm)
Apple   small, 2” 1 14 Acorn Squash 1C 29.9
Apricot dried 1 2.2 Asparagus Spear 1 6.9
Apricot Fresh 1 3.9 Baby Carrots 1 Raw 0.8
Banana 1 26.9 Beets (cooked) 1C 5
Blackberries 1C 14.7 Bok Choy 1C 3.1
Blueberries 1C 21.5 Broccoli raw 1C 5.8
Canteloupe 8-Jan 4.8 Broccoli boiled 1C 11.2
Cherries 1 1.3 Brussel Sprouts 1C 11.1
Fig 1 7.7 Butternut Squash 1C 21.5
Grapes (red or Green) 10 1 Cabbage raw 1C 3.9
Honeydew 1/8 11.4 Cabbage cooked 1C 3.9
Kiwi 1 10.1 Carrots cooked 1C 12.8
Mango 1C 25.7 Cauliflower cooked 1C 5.1
Nectarine 2 1/2″ 1 13.7 Cauliflower raw 1C 5.7
Orange small 1 11.3 Celery 4″ 10 1
Peach 2/1/2″ 1 12.9 Corn Canned 1C 30.5
Pear small 1 22.9 Corn on cob 1 14
Pineapple 2 oz 7.3 Cucumber 1C 3.7
Plum 1 7.5 Edamame cooked 1C 29.9
Prunes 1 6 Edamame raw 10 pods 2.2
Raisins 1C 114 Eggplant Parm 4″ sq 32.9
Raspberries 1C 14.6 Garbanzos 1C 34.2
Strasberries(sliced) 1 C 12.8 Green Beans 1C 9,9
Tangerine(cutie) 1 10 Green Leaf Lettuce 1C 1
Watermelon 1C 11.6 Iceberg Lettuce 1C 1.7
Jicama 1C 10.6
NUTS Amt Carbs(gm) Kale cooked 1C 7.3
Almond 1C 28.2 Kale raw 1C 6.7
Brazil 2 1 Mushrooms raw 1C 3
Cashews 1 oz 8.6 Mushrooms stuffed 1oz 20
Macadamia 1oz 1.2 Peas 1C 22.9
Peanuts 1C 38.3 Pepper – Red 1 7.3
Pecans 1 C 38.3 Pepper -Yellow 1 10.3
Pistachios 4 1 Pork & Beans 1.2C 23
Walnuts 1/2 cup 8 Potato Sweet, Sm. 1 13.7
Radishes raw 1 0
SEEDS Amt Carbs (gm) Red Leaf Leffuce 1C 0.6
Pumpkin 1C 15.8 Romaine Lettuce 1C 1.2
Sunflower 1C 30.8 Rutabaga 1C 10.6
Spaghetti Squash 1C 10.1
DAIRY Amt Carbs (gm) Spinach cooked 1C 6.8
Yogurt Plain 1C 11.5 Spinach raw 1C 1.1
Yogurt w/fruit 1C 46.8 Sugar Snap Peas 1C 11.4
Yogurt Greek 1C 7 Summer Squash 1C 7.7
Greek Vanilla 1C 16 Tomato 2″ 3.5
Cottage Cheese 1C 5.7 Turnips 1C 8
Cream Cheese 1 Tbs 1 Zucchini 1C 7







BREAD & SNACKS Amt Carbs (gm) CHEESE Amt Carbs (gm)
BBQ Sauce 1 Tbs 12.7 Cheddar 3 oz 1
Cheese Puffs 13 13 Swiss
Chips – Potato 15 15
Chips Taco 7 19 MISC Amt Carbs (gm)
Eng Muffin 1 25 Beef Jerky 7oz pc 1 2.2
Everything Bagel 1 59 Hummus 2 Tbs 4
Kaiser Roll 1 30 Pasta w/sauce 1C 33.8
Pop Corn 1C 6.3 Pizza – Pepperoni 1 Slice 35
Pretzels Soft 1 43 Potato Baked sm 29.5
Pretzels Twisted 1 4.8 Potato FF 1 32.6
Pub Mix 1 oz 19 Potato boiled sm 25
Saltines 5 10 Potato Mashed 1C 35.5
Tortilla   Corn 1 8 Potato Salad 1C 28
Tortilla Flour 1 32 Rice Brn 1/2 C 23
Tortilla Wheat 1 22 Slim Jim 1oz 1 3
Wheat slice 1 14.4 Quinoa 1 tbs 2.5
CANDY Amt Carbs (gm) MISC – Phase II Amt Carbs (gm)
3 Musketeers 1 Bar 42 Dinner Rolls 1 14
Bit O Honey 1 Sect. 6 Eggs 1 1.5
Butterfinger 1 Bar 43 Eggs 1 1.5
Junior Mints 1 2 Frstd Cinnmn Bun 1 23
Mounds 1 Pkg. 29 Frstd Shrdded Wht 1 Cup 41
Pay Day 1 Bar 27 Honey Nut Cheerios 1 cup 22
Peanut M & M 15 9 Pan Cakes 1 6″ 31
Peppermint Paties 1 Bar 31 Pepsi 8 oz. 26
Pepprmnt Pat Sgr Fr 1 Bar 8 Pie 1 Piece 50
Reeses 2 Pk. 24 Raisin Bran 1 cup 46
Snickers 1 Bar 33 Refried Beans 1 Cup 26
Star Mints 1 5 Rye Bread 1 Slice 10
Suzy Q 1 Cake 35 Tomato Soup 1 can 50


MISC. – PHASE III Cargs (gm) MISC. – PHASE IV Carbs (gm)
Cake – Carrot 1/2 Slice 20 Cous Cous 1 Cup 37
Cake – Cup – Choc. 1 24 Crnd Beef Hash 1 Cup 22
Cake – Ger. Choc. 1/2 Slice 20 Egg Nog 1 Cup 20
Cake – Rice 1 4 Fried Mushrooms 1 17
Cashew Clusters 8 16 Fried Onion Rings 1 Med. 2
Chimichanga 1 43 Hamb. Roll 1 20
McD Dble Chssebrgr 1 29 Hash Browns 1 Cup 46
McD Fish Fillet 1 39 Hot Dog Roll 1 20
McD McSausage/Egg 1 29 Nacho Chips – Corn 10 18
McD Small Fries 1 Pkg 44 Quinoa 1 Cup 20
Milk 1 Cup 12 Smoked Almonds 28 5
Northern Beans 1/4 C-Dry 28 Sub Roll 6″ 46
Oyster Crackers 24 10 Taco Bell Taco Sup. 1 20
Veggie Straws 30 12 Taco Bell Tostada 1 20
MISC. – PHASE V Amt Carbs (gm) MISC. – PHASE VI Amt Carbs (gm)
Bit-O-Honey 1 Piece 5 Tomato Juice 1C 10
Einstien Pump Bagel 1 53
Ice Cream 1/2 Cup 16 MISC. – PHASE VII Amt Carbs (gm)
Lemon Pudding 1/2 Cup 24 Brownie 2″ Sqre. 12
Nutter Butter Wafer 1 Patty 4 Chkn Noodle Soup 1 Cup 10
OG Bread Sticks 1 37 Coconut Donut 1 46
OG Pasta Fagule 1 Bowl 21 Crckr:Corn/Sea Salt 10 6
OG Salad 1 Bowl 12 Crckr:White Cheddr 1 1
OG=OLIVE GARDEN Pound Cake 1 Pc. 14
Potato Chips 25 15 Small Sweet Pprs. 1 2
Pringles 1 1 Spnch Stffd Mshrm 1 6
Rice Cakes 1 4 Sun Flower Seeds 1 Cup 28
SfeWay Whoopi Pies 1 57 Wise Chees Puffs 23 17
SfeWay Elcairs 1 34 Wise Onion Rings 15 10
SfeWay Cream Puffs 1 16 Wise Potato Chips 20 15
MISC. – PHASE VIII Amt Carbs (gm) MISC. – PHASE IX Amt Carbs (gm)
Arby Classic Rst Bf 1 37 Angel Food Cake 1/8 Cake 25
Arby French Dip 1 Sndwch 59 Baby Carrots 6 5
Arby Mozz Sticks 2 19 Dates 1 7
Arby Sm Crly Fries 1 Pkg 21 French Toast 1 Slice 15
Black Beans 1 Cup 46 Frzn Strawberries 1 C 60
Choc. Chip Cookie 1 9 Honey Smck Cereal 1 C 24
Denny’s Super Bird 1 42 Jell-O I Cup 10
Dinner Roll 1 Sm. 11 Mac & Cheese 1 Cup 45
Jason’s Baked Chips 1 Srvng. 20 Mini Tortillas 1 6
Jason’s Deli Club 1 67 Mstrd Prtzels 1/3 C 18
KFC Bisquit 1 22 Oatmeal Muffin 1 Sm. 10
KFC Cold Slaw 1 Cup 14 Snow Peas 6 1.5
KFC Mshd Spuds 1 Cup 19 Sweet & Sour Pork 1 Cup 25
MISC. – PHASE X Cargs (gm) MISC. – PHASE XI Carbs (gm)
2% Milk 1 Cup 12 Bean & Bacon Soup 1 Can 22
Applbees Spnch Dip 1 Cup 74 Brownie 2″ Sqre 14
Apple Fritters 1 Avg. 49 Choc. Milk 1% 1 Cup 32
Apple Sauce 1 Cup 34 Cocktail Peanuts 38 6
Boston Cream Pie 1/8 Pie 30 Ice Cream Sndwch 1 26
Brkfst Cookies 1 5 Mini Cornbread 1 15
Donut Holes 1 7 Mini Poppy Seed 1 12
Egg Roll 1 23 Mini Wheats 1 Cup 45
Ent. Cheese Danish 1/9 Cake 27 Oatmeal Raisn Ckie 1 16
Entemann Crmb Cke 1/9 Cake 32 PB Pretzels 6 Pieces 10
Frosted Flakes 1 Cup 26 Pita Bread 1 Slice 22
Granola Bar 1 Bar 18 Rice Krispies 1 Cup 22
Prog. Clam Chowder 1 Can 40 Sno Balls 1 28
Toffee Fay 1 Piece 5 Triskets 1 2
MISC. PHASE XII Cargs (gm) MISC. – PHASE XIII Carbs (gm)
Chex Mix 1 Cup 21
Sugar Cookies 1 16
Corn Chowder 1 Cup 16
Dressing 1 Cup 15
Pie: Apple 1/8 Pie 56
Pie: Mince 1/8 Pie 40
Pie: Pumpkin 1/8 Pie 20
Yams w/ Marsh. 1 Cup 48



Aveon Health
Family Medicine & Diabetes Care

            As well as being so subtle that it is known as a “Silent Killer,” Diabetes offers an additional challenge in as much as it tends to manifest itself with other ailments throughout the body. One of the areas that a Diabetic needs to be especially aware of, and careful about, is their feet.

There are, unfortunately, a number of ways that Diabetes can adversely affect your feet. The first is through nerve damage, which is often referred to as Neuropathy (I will discuss Neuropathy in greater detail in a subsequent Blog!). In the most basic of terms, you will be plagued with tingling and pain in your feet, or the loss of feeling. The latter becomes a real issue as you may not notice minor damage to your foot, such as a blister, which can lead to cuts and sores that then may become infected, creating a problem all of its own.

As well as Neuropathy, Diabetes can decrease blood flow to your feet. Without proper blood flow, your feet can deteriorate to the point that gangrene sets in. If unattended long enough, this, in turn, can lead to the necessity for amputation.

Obviously the importance of proper foot care is paramount to a Diabetic’s Health. In an effort to ensure that your feet are properly cared for, the things you should pay special attention to include, but are not limited to:

  • Trim your toenails properly.
  • Smooth Corns and Calluses gently.
  • Wear shoes and socks at all times!
  • Keep proper Blood Flow to your feet.
  • Wash, and check!, your feet daily.
  • Get a foot check at every Health Care Visit.

When it comes to foot care, what many Diabetics do not realize is the importance of proper Corn and Callus care. For example, you should NOT use either Corn Plasters or liquid Corn and Callus Removers.

While Diabetics may desire to be Fashion Plates as much as the rest of the population, when it comes to footwear they would be wise to forego appearance for better health. There ae some shoes that just do not lend themselves to the physical well-being of a Diabetic. As you purchase shoes in the future, keep the following in mind:

  • Avoid Plastic and/or Vinyl shoes, as they neither stretch nor breathe.
  • Walking and/or athletic shoes are good for “Daily Footwear,” as they allow your feet to breathe as well as giving them support.
  • Feet with Bunions or Hammertoes typically require extra wide shoes.

One of the main ways to protect our feet is to be cognizant of ways to keep them provided with proper blood flow. This can be accomplished, in part, by putting your feet up when you are seated; eliminating the use of tight socks and/or elastic stockings; being physically active, up to and including wiggling your toes throughout the course of a day.

Understanding the importance of proper Foot Care for my Diabetic Patients, one of the goals of AVEON HEALTH was to include a Podiatrist as part of our staff. In mid-2018 we were able to do just that. In Dr. Steven Tager we found a professional with some fifty years of experience that is on hand to add expertise and treatment to those in need. I would especially suggest that you request meeting with him should you have a cut or bruise on your feet that does not seem to be healing; the skin on your foot is red, warm or painful, as this is often the sign of an infection; a foot infection that becomes black and smelly, as that may be indicative of gangrene.

As you can see, making sure your feet “Measure Up” is a pretty important part of your physical well-being! As my high school Biology Teacher used to say, “Support your feet because they Support you!” Back then, I thought it was just a joke, but now I understand the importance of what he was trying to tell us!

This Blog was written in part with information found at overview/preventing-problems/foot-problems.


If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with Dr. Sam and allow him to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and/or your loved ones!


Aveon Health
Family Medicine & Diabetes Care


DIABETES is our area of expertise. However, whenever we are asked what we specialize in our answer is “Patients.” We believe It is imperative for a physician to rise to the occasion when a Health Issue of the magnitude of COVID 19 comes along and, as a result, we immediately dedicated ourselves to becoming immersed in the issue to discover how we can best serve Patients in this somewhat trying time.

One of the things that was obvious was the concern for what was the apparent inability to get people tested in a judicious amount of time. We realized that it would be most beneficial if we at AVEON HEALTH could assist those Patients who were hoping to be tested, but were having little or no luck in doing so. Fortunately, our efforts were Blessed and we discovered the SOPHIA 2.

The SOPHIA 2 is a sophisticated, portable apparatus that allows us to conduct COVID 19 testing at our office. There are a multitude of criteria that make this beneficial to both, us and our Patients, including, but not limited to:

  • Provides Accurate, Objective, and Automated results, same day!
  • We are able to conduct the Test in office with same day results, as compared to 5-7 DAYS at Sonora Quest or LabCorp.
  • Secure, Remote Instrument Management which automatically stores Test and User History, ensuring privacy and security.
  • User and Patient IDs are captured with an “Onboard Barcode Scanner.”
  • Integrated Data Management automatically stores Test Results and User History.

If there is a drawback to contacting us and utilizing our SOPHIA 2 Testing Process, it is that, due to the fact that we do not have a Lab Contract, we are forced to offer this on a “Cash Pay Only” basis. While Insurance frequently does pay for the testing, it will do so only at Sonora Quest or LabCorp. In an attempt to make this program as accessible as possible to those who want to take advantage of it, we have kept the cost down to the very low price of $125.00. The advantage, of course, is found both in the convenience and quick turn-around time. Interestingly enough, we are one of the few Health Facilities around that are able to provide this service to our community.

As with all of your Health Needs, AVEON Health stands ready to serve and assist you with facing the COVID 19 Pandemic. Know that we are as concerned about your Health as you are, and work diligently and professionally on a daily basis to improve the probability of facing this challenge in a successful manner!


If you, or someone you know, would like to be tested for COVID 19 in a more than reasonable amount of time at a more than reasonable cost, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment. At that time our friendly and qualified staff will serve you in this matter in both a friendly and professional manner.



First US Airline Pilot with Type 1 Diabetes

For years, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) didn’t allow pilots with insulin-treated diabetes to fly commercial airliners, even as other countries like Canada and the United Kingdom began to ease their restrictions

The FAA issued a new medical protocol late last year for pilots with insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (ITDM),” the FAA said in a statement to CNN. “The decision was based on the advancement in medical technology and the treatment of ITDM. The protocol allows pilots with ITDM to apply for a special-issuance medical certificate to have air transport, commercial or private pilot privileges.”

Read the full article here