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Family Medicine & Diabetes Care

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Diabetes Experts


There are a number of surprising allies in the fight against Diabetes, and, surprisingly!, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) may very well be one of them! In fact, purportedly there are a number of Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, including, but not necessarily limited to:

  • Can Help Kill Harmful Bacteria – Traditionally, Vinegar has been used for cleaning and disinfecting. This includes being used in the treatment of nail fungus, ear infections, and even warts. At other times it has also been used to battle acne.
  • High in Healthful SubstancesACV provides small amounts of potassium, amino acids, and antioxidants.
  • May Aid Weight Loss – Always something Diabetics seem to strive for, ACV is helpful in this realm as its use can increase the feeling of fullness. The positive effect of this, of course, is that leads to lower caloric intake.
  • May Boost Skin Health – Topical use of ACV can assist in the rebalance of natural pH of the skin. This helps to improve the protective skin barrier. ACV use can, in theory, also prevent skin infections.
  • May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Manage Diabetes - Research shows ACV may provide the following benefits:
  1. May improve Insulin Sensitivity.
  2. May improve Insulin Function and lower Blood Sugar Levels after meals.

As with so many other things that we encounter in our quest to remain healthy, while ACV has many positive attributes there are some side effects that cannot be ignored. Some of these include, but are not limited to:

  • Delayed Stomach Emptying – While preventing Blood Sugar Spikes by reducing the rate at which food leaves the stomach, thus slowing down the absorption rate into the blood stream, ACV may adversely affect the symptoms of gastroparesis.Gastroparesis is a condition where the food stays in the stomach too long and is not emptied into the lower Digestive Tract at a normal rate.
  • Drug Interactions – There are several drugs which may interact with ACV:
  1. Certain Diuretic Drugs
  2. Digoxin (Lanoxin) – Used to lower Potassium Levels, when combined with ACV it can create a dangerous drop in Potassium.
  3. Diabetes Medication: Those who take Insulin or Insulin-stimulating meds may experience dangerously low Blood Sugar Levels when ingesting ACV.
  • Erosion of Tooth Enamel – This is an extreme side effect, but one that is real. One case found this manifesting itself when a fifteen year old girl consumed a cup of ACV daily in attempt to expedite weight loss!
  • Throat Burns – Damage to the esophagus is a potential issue if too much ACV is consumed at any given time, or in too strong of a “dose.”

The key to enjoying the benefits and avoiding the plights of ACV is to simply be aware of the proper way to use it. This includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Be aware of any allergies you may have.
  2. Consider avoiding it if you have gastroparesis.
  3. Dilute the ACV to limit exposure to Acetic Acid.
  4. Limit the amount you consume, especially at any one time.
  5. To further minimize exposure to Acetic Acid, rinse your mouth after ACV consumption.

We trust that this will encourage you to consider adding ACV to your arsenal against your Diabetes, as it can truly be a worthwhile tool. We don’t, however, necessarily suggest that you drink pickle juice, though that would be one way of acquiring your ACV!


If you, or someone you know, needs help in managing their Diabetes, please call AVEON HEALTH at 480-300-4663 to make an appointment with a member of our staff and allow them to escort you down the path to an improved quality of life for you and your loved ones!

This Blog was written, in part, with information gleaned from the following sources: